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I am currently a senior at Pacific Buddhist Academy, and I will be going to Colorado College in the fall. Career wise, I'm interested in Environmental Science and learning more about nature. Hawaii and specifically HIMB have been great places for me to learn about ocean ecosystems and to appreciate the beauty of Kaneohe Bay. My ultimate goal, once I understand how these ecosystems function, will be to become an advocate for their legal protection. In my free time, I like to paddle, play taiko drums, surf, and do mom things like organize and sew.


Koki Atcheson 


My name is Lisa Roerk, and I live in Pearl City, Hawaii.  I am a current high school senior at Pacific Buddhist Academy, soon I will be on my way to Oregon State University in the fall to study Marine Biology and Zoology.  Interning at HIMB has really helped me explore my intended career as a marine biologist.  I really love being immersed in nature and learning more things about the ocean and the environment.  While I’m not at school or learning about marine life I enjoy hiking, spear fishing, playing tennis, and hanging out with friends.


Lisa Roerk


Bla bla bla bla bla bla bla...


Jessica Sevilla

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